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Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950: How it was enacted

The 1950 Revision

Long and Winding Road

   The Louisiana State Law Institute sent a letter to Governor Earl K. Long formally requesting an extraordinary session of the legislature, prior to the opening of the regular session on May 9, 1950. Gov. Long sent such a letter, dated January 2, 1950: "In due course I shall call the Legislature into extraordinary session for the purpose of considering and adopting this revision of the general statutes, the need for which has long been recognized in Louisiana." The letter stressed the importance of the revision, and listed reasons why the revision should be the sole purpose of the session. In theory, the session could adopt the revision in as little as five days.

   The Extra Session was to begin on the night of February 5, 1950. Unfortunately, Gov. Earl Long suffered a heart attack on February 3. The session was moved back to March 5. More bills were added to the session. There were fights over leadership, the added appropriations bills, the chosen printer, and even a member of the highway department. Finally, the revision was signed on March 9, to become effective on May 1, 1950.

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