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Resources for Prisoners and Former Prisoners in Louisiana

This guide provides relevant legal and related information and referrals for prisoners, former prisoners, and their families.

This guide provides information and resources on common legal issues faced by prisoners and former prisoners. If you have suggestions for resources to add, please contact guide editor Sara Pixon at

If you are not incarcerated or are looking for more resources to help with legal issues, check out the Law Library of Louisiana's online guide for self-represented litigants

If you are not currently incarcerated and are trying to find an attorney to represent you, you may qualify for a free legal aid attorney to help with civil legal issues - apply online. If you are incarcerated or do not qualify for legal aid, the Louisiana State Bar Association's "Find Legal Help" portal can help you find resources for reduced-fee attorneys.

Resources Offered by the Law Library of Louisiana

The Law Library of Louisiana can provide you with assistance finding legal information. We are prohibited, however, from providing legal advice. If you are seeking advice for a legal issue, you may be able to find free or reduced cost legal help through the Louisiana State Bar Association.

If you are seeking copies of laws (such as cases or statutes) or secondary materials (such as law review articles or book chapters), please contact us at 400 Royal Street, 2nd Floor, New Orleans, LA 70130. We can provide these materials for a nominal charge. You must provide an exact citation in order for us to process your request.

You can view the Louisiana constitution, codes, and statutes for free online at Click on "Laws" and either enter a citation, search by keyword, or browse the Table of Contents. 

You can view the federal constitution, codes, and statutes for free online at You can search by keyword or choose the specific law you wish to view under "Advanced."

You can view state and federal court cases for free online at Click on "Case Law" and enter your citation or case name. 

"Louisiana Informational Handbook for Friends and Families of People in Prison" from the Department of Corrections:

If you can't find the law you are looking for or need further assistance, call us at 504-310-2400 or toll-free in Louisiana only at 800-820-3038 or email

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