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Reconstruction in Louisiana: The Colfax Massacre: Home

Colfax, Grant Parish

In this small town, two public inscriptions, visible for all to see, describe an event from 1873. What isn't seen are the scars that linger still, and the impact on the whole country that is still felt today.


A historical marker, put up in 1950 outside the Colfax courthouse, read thus:

a 1950 historical marker for the "colfax riot."

Photo by J. Stephen Conn   

It is going into a museum. Unfortunately, the victors often write the history for everyone else who was there. The real story is often very complicated, but well worth the effort to find it.


 In a nearby cemetery stands a stone obelisk, erected in 1921, which reads:

stone monument to the 3 white men killed at the Colfax battle

Photo by Robin Cole Jett at


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Francis Norton
Law Library of Louisiana
400 Royal Street
2nd Floor
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

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