The computer program will help you create letters to send to your landlord.
Do not use these programs until you have read the general information about security deposits and how to ask for a refund.
Go here for the computer program that helps you create a "moving out" letter to tell the landlord that you are moving out and when you are moving out.
Go here for the computer program to help you write a letter to tell you landlord that you have moved out, to ask for a refund of your security deposit, and to tell the landlord the address where the landlord should send the refund to you.
Some of the online forms programs may work only in certain browsers. Try Chrome or another browser if you have difficulty with getting an online forms program to open in the browser you are using.NOTE: When the computer program creates your form you may need to adjust the size or "zoom" of the document to make sure the format is correct and to be sure that you can see the signature lines. Read your form carefully when you get it from the computer. Look to see if your form has areas where you need to circle a choice, check a checkbox, or fill in other information. Check forms for places where it must be signed or dated, or where a certified mailing number should be written in..
Here is a video with tips for using online forms.