1958 ACT No. 228
AN ACT To authorize the Governor and Attorney General of the State of Louisiana to take the necessary action to determine and definitely mark that portion of the boundary line between the State of Louisiana and the State of Mississippi between latitude 32 degrees 53 minutes to latitude 32 degrees 58 minutes, and longitude 91 degrees 07 minutes to longitude 91 degrees 13 minutes, comprising the area commonly known as Bunchs' Bend, Pittman Island, Bunchs' Cut-Off, Louisiana Bend, Sarah Island, and Wilson Point; to empower the Governor and Attorney General of the State of Louisiana to enter into negotiations with the State of Mississippi, acting through its Governor and Attorney General, to establish said boundary line by agreement; to authorize said Officials of the State of Louisiana, should said negotiations fail, to institute action in the Supreme Court of the United States contradictorily with the State of Mississippi for judicial determination of said boundary line ; and to provide for payment of costs of surveys and engineering and those of court.