1820 Acts, Resolution of March 11
That the Governor be requested to correspond with the President of the United States, on the subject of running off and marking the western and northern boundary line of the State of Louisiana, to wit: the line beginning on the Sabine river, at the thirty-second degree of north latitude, thence running north to the northern most part of the thirty third degree of latitude, thence along the same parallel of latitude of the Mississippi river.
(Approved, March 11th, 1820.)
1826 Acts, Resolution of March 16
RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That our Senators and Representatives in Congress be requested to use their exertions to have the line dividing this State from the Arkansas Territory, run out and marked under the authority of the General Government.
Approved March 16, 1826.
1835 Act March 20
To provide for ascertaining and fixing the boundary lines of adjoining parishes.
Approved March 20, 1835
1855 Act No. 40.
AN ACT To provide for ascertaining the Boundaries of Parishes.
Approved March 9, 1855
1857 Act No. 147.
AN ACT To provide for the sale of Sixteenth Sections in the several parishes, when divided by parish lines.
Approved March 16, 1857
1859 Act No. 106.
AN ACT To procure certain Maps for the use of the State.
Approved March 15, 1859
1861 Act No. 263.
AN ACT Relative to changing the boundary line between the States of Louisiana and Mississippi.
Approved March 21, 1861
1868 Act No. 166.
AN ACT To authorize the compilation of a new and official map of the State.
Approved October 20, 1868.
1870 Act No. 42. Ex. Sess.
AN ACT to amend an act entitled ''An Act to authorize the compilation of a new and official map of the State."
Approved March 16, 1870
1871 Act No. 68.
AN ACT To amend an act entitled An Act to authorize the compilation of a now and official map of the State.
Approved March 23, 1871.
1880 Act No. 31.
AN ACT Prescribing the manner of changing parish lines and of removing parish seats.
Approved March 10, 1880
1890 Act No. 108
AN ACT To authorize and empower parish surveyors to perform work in parishes outside of their territorial limits.
Approved July 10, 1890.
1902 Act No. 138.
AN ACT To authorize surveyors acting under the authority of the Acts of Congress to enter upon lands in this State for the purpose of exploring, triangulating, surveying and doing any work necessary to carry out the objects of existing laws and to establish permanent stations and marks, necessary signals and temporary observatories; to provide for payment of damages growing out of such action and to make it a misdemeanor for any person to wilfully deface, injure or remove such signal. monument, or other property of lie United States Survey and to provide a penalty therefor.
Approved July 8, 1902
1904 Act No. 26
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Louisiana the house of Representatives concurring, that the action of His Excellency William W. Heard Governor, in instituting in the Supreme Court of the United States, on the part of the State of Louisiana, a suit against the State of Mississippi to determine the water boundary between the two States, be approved, ratified and confirmed.
Approved June 17, 1904
1908 ACT No. 137.
AN ACT To provide for the buoying and marking of the water boundaries between the States of Louisiana and Mississippi from the mouth of the Pearl river to the Gulf of Mexico, as fixed by the decree of the Supreme Court of the United States; to make an appropriation to defray the expenses thereof, and to prohibit the removal or injury or destruction of the marks or buoys, and to provide penalties for the violation of this Act.
Approved July 2, 1908
1910 ACT NO. 6.
AN ACT Providing for the acceptance, reception and safekeeping of the maps, books, records. field notes and documents appertaining to land titles in the State of Louisiana, and articles of other description belonging to the late office of the United States Surveyor General of the District of Louisiana, declaring the same public records and permitting free access thereto by tile authorities of the United States Government.
Approved June 10, 1910
1910 ACT NO. 85.
AN ACT To appropriate the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-five 48-100 ($4575.48) Dollars, to pay outstanding obligations, incurred in connection with marking and buoying the water boundary between the States of Louisiana and Mississippi, from the mouth of Pearl River to the Gulf of Mexico.
Approved July1, 1910
1912 ACT NO. 182.
AN ACT Authorizing the several Police Juries throughout the State, the Parish of Orleans excepted, to resurvey and re-establish township lines, range lines, section corners and half mile stations where the original witness trees have been destroyed or lost or survey where no actual survey of the entire Town- ship has been made and authorized the approval of surveys already made; and authorizing the police juries to provide for appropriate money to defray the expenses of said survey and re-establishing of said lines; permit land owners to pay said cost; to provide cement, cast iron, or other perma- nent material to mark the corner of each section and half mile station where the original witness trees have been destroyed or lost to require the filing and recordation of resolution of approval, process verbal and field notes, and to make copies of same admissable [sic] in evidence and conclusive unless set aside on grounds of fraud or gross error, and fixing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
Approved July 11, 1912
1928 ACT NO. 38.
AN ACT To provide a method for changing the boundary line between parishes of this State, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Article XIV of the Constitution of 1921 of the State of Louisiana.
Approved July 7, 1928
1932 ACT No. 201.
AN ACT To authorize the several Police Juries throughout the State to contract and provide for an aerial survey and mosaic map of their respective parishes and to appropriate money or pledge and dedicate their revenues, issue their obligations as provided for by existing laws to defray the cost of such surveys and maps; to authorize the approval thereof declaring such surveys and mosaic maps official surveys and maps of the parishes; making it mandatory upon the several Assessors of the Parishes of the State to check the assessment records with such mosaic maps, and include on said assessment rolls any property or properties shown on said maps not shown on the assessment rolls of the parishes; and directing the Police Juries of the several parishes to substantiate the checking of said rolls and said maps.
Approved July 15, 1932
1942 ACT No. 295.
AN ACT To authorize and empower the State of Louisiana, through its proper officers, to take all necessary steps and proceedings by suit in the proper forum, by agreement or otherwise, to locate, rectify, and establish the true and correct boundary between the States of Louisiana and Texas; and to that end, to sue for and recover any and all property or properties rightfully belonging to the State of Louisiana necessary and incident to the accurate establishment and settlement of the boundary between said States: to employ surveyors, engineers, technicians and such special legal assistants as may be necessary to successfully conduct all legal proceedings for the purpose aforesaid; and to appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 for expenses incurred by the State and particularly the Attorney General's office in said endeavor.
1946 ACT No. 340.
AN ACT Authorizing the several Police Juries throughout the State, the Parish of Orleans excepted, to resurvey and reestablish township lines, range lines, section corners and half mile stations where the original witness trees have been destroyed or lost or survey where no actual survey of the entire Township has been made and authorized the approval of surveys already made; and authorizing the police juries to provide for appropriate money to defray the expenses of said survey and re-establishing of said lines; permit land owners to pay said cost; to provide cement, cast iron, or other permanent material to mark the corner of each section and half mile station where the original witness trees have been destroyed or lost; to require the filing and recordation of resolution of approval, process verbal and field notes, and fixing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
1958 ACT No. 228
AN ACT To authorize the Governor and Attorney General of the State of Louisiana to take the necessary action to determine and definitely mark that portion of the boundary line between the State of Louisiana and the State of Mississippi between latitude 32 degrees 53 minutes to latitude 32 degrees 58 minutes, and longitude 91 degrees 07 minutes to longitude 91 degrees 13 minutes, comprising the area commonly known as Bunchs' Bend, Pittman Island, Bunchs' Cut-Off, Louisiana Bend, Sarah Island, and Wilson Point; to empower the Governor and Attorney General of the State of Louisiana to enter into negotiations with the State of Mississippi, acting through its Governor and Attorney General, to establish said boundary line by agreement; to authorize said Officials of the State of Louisiana, should said negotiations fail, to institute action in the Supreme Court of the United States contradictorily with the State of Mississippi for judicial determination of said boundary line ; and to provide for payment of costs of surveys and engineering and those of court.
1966 ACT No. 77
AN ACT To establish, confirm, fix and permanently locate the boundary line between the Parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne from the intersection of Bayou Pointe Au Chien and Grand Bayou Felicity south to the Gulf of Mexico; to ratify the actions of the Police Juries of the Parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne on August 11, 1965 in passing ordinances establishing the permanent boundary line between the Parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne from the intersection of Bayou Pointe Au Chien and Grand Bayou Felicity south to the Gulf of Mexico and the actions of the respective Parish Engineers of said parishes in surveying and monumenting said line; to ratify the action of the State Treasurer in placing royalty funds received by the State of Louisiana from production from the wells on the east side of the said boundary line within the limits of Lafourche Parish to the credit of Lafourche Parish in its Royalty Road Fund, and from production on the west side of the said boundary line within the limits of Terrebonne Parish to the credit of Terrebonne Parish in its Royalty Road Fund; to authorize the payment of legal fees by the State Department of Highways, as approved by the State Attorney General, for the attorneys employed by the respective parishes to settle the boundary between the two parishes, and the engineering fees of the Parish Engineers to be paid by the respective parishes from the Royalty Road Funds of each parish; and to provide that this Act shall be supplemental to other laws on the subject and shall not repeal same.
Notice of intention to apply for the passage of this Act has been published and evidence of such publication exhibited to the Legislature, both as provided by Section 6 of Article IV of the Constitution of Louisiana.
1968 ACT No. 615
AN ACT To authorize and direct the Governor, the Attorney General and the state department of public works of the state of Louisiana to take the necessary action to determine and definitely mark that portion of the boundary line between the state of Louisiana and the state of Mississippi which is also the eastern boundary of the parishes of East Carroll, Tensas, Concordia and Madison; to empower and direct the Governor and Attorney General to enter into negotiations with the state of Mississippi to establish said boundary line by agreement; to authorize and direct said officials, should said negotiations fail, to institute action in the Supreme Court of the United States contradictorily with the state of Mississippi for judicial determination of said boundary line and to provide for payment of costs of surveys and engineering and those of court.