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Louisiana's Drug Courts: 1999


ACT No. 10

AN ACT Making appropriations for tie ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government, pensions, public schools, public roads, public charities, and state institutions and providing with respect to the expenditure of said appropriations.

page 197
Objective: To provide drug court treatment
services for 160 court diverted adults and chil- dren.
Performance Indicators:
Percentage of substance abuse clients who
report criminal justice involvement 31%
Number of clients receiving drug court
treatment services 160

page 259
Objective: To provide 900 treatment slots and
have 60% of the persons receiving drug court
services from the Office of Alcohol and Drug
Abuse successfully complete the prescribed
treatment program.
Performance Indicators:
Number of drug treatment programs 11
Number of treatment slots 900
Percentage of individuals successfully
completing program 60%
Cost per treatment slot $2,500
Recidivism rate 20%