A drug court is a specialized court. Unlike a city court, for example, it is not held in a separate court building with its own judge, prosecutor, and staff. Rather, a drug court is a specialized program that makes use of existing district judges, court staff, and district attorneys.
Louisiana’s drug court programs require intensive substance abuse treatment, frequent drug testing, judicial oversight, and community supervision & support to ensure the best possible outcomes for offenders with substance use disorders. While more intensive, these programs are typically less expensive and ultimately more effective than those associated with involvement in traditional correction and supervision settings.
13 §5301. Purpose
The Legislature of Louisiana recognizes the critical need for criminal justice system programs to reduce the incidence of alcohol and drug use, alcohol and drug addiction, and crimes committed as a result of alcohol and drug use and alcohol and drug addiction. The legislature also recognizes that the problem of alcohol and drug abuse among the citizens of Louisiana is excessive and needs to be addressed and corrected not only for the health and welfare of the citizens of this state, but also because alcohol and drug abuse or dependency has been identified as a contributing factor in the commission of many crimes. It is the intent of the legislature by this Chapter to create a program to facilitate the creation of alcohol and drug treatment divisions in the various district courts of this state.
13 §5302. Goals
The goals of the alcohol and drug treatment divisions created under this Chapter include the following:
(1) To reduce alcoholism and drug abuse and dependency among offenders.
(2) To reduce criminal recidivism.
(3) To reduce the alcohol and drug-related workload of the courts.
(4) To increase the personal, familial, and societal accountability of offenders.
(5) To promote effective interaction and use of resources among criminal justice personnel and community agencies.
(6) To reduce the overcrowding of prisons.