RS 13:5200
§5200. Declaration of purpose
RS 13:5201
§5201. Small claims divisions
RS 13:5202
§5202. Jurisdiction
RS 13:5203
§5203. Pleadings; citation; procedure; evidence; substantive law; depositions
RS 13:5204
§5204. Service of citation; extension of delay to answer
RS 13:5205
§5205. Fees
RS 13:5206
§5206. Reconventional demand beyond jurisdiction; filing in court of competent jurisdiction; transfer of proceedings from small claims division
RS 13:5207
§5207. Arbitration awards
RS 13:5207.1
§5207.1. Request for arbitration
RS 13:5208
§5208. Judge's role; judgment; new trial; stay; installment payments; enforcement
RS 13:5209
§5209. Waiver of right to appeal
RS 13:5210
§5210. State agencies
RS 13:5211
§5211. Clerk's role
RS 13:5212
§5212. Applicability of Part