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Arms Regulation in 19th Century Louisiana: 1831

A general digest of the ordinances and resolutions of the corporation of New-Orleans 1931.

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An Ordinance concerning the city guard of New-Orleans.

Art. 9     . . . the captain of the city guard shall have a right to cause himself to be escorted by a watchman armed and bearing a lanthern . . .

Art. 12. In each of the guard-houses above mentioned, there shall be a depot of muskets sufficient to arm the watchmen in case of that precaution becoming necessary for the public security, and the said depot shall be under the responsibility of the captain of the said guard, who shall be bound to produce to the Mayor the said muskets whenever called upon for that purpose, and to reimburse to the city the value of such as may be missing, lost or broken, through the fault or negligence of the watchmen, saving to him his right to recover the same from such of the watchmen as have occasioned his loss.

Approved, November 5, 1817

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I. Prevention of fires

Art. 10. It shall not be lawful for any person to have or keep within the city and suburbs, or within two miles of the same (except the public magazine, or place of depot appointed for that purpose) any quantity of gun- powder, at any one time, exceeding one hundred pounds weight, in any one place, house, store or out-house, which said quautity [sic] of one hundred pounds shall be separated in several stone jugs or tin cannisters, each of which shall not contain more than ten pounds of powder, and shall be provided with a safe and sufficient stopper; and if any person or persons shall keep any greater quantity of gunpowder at one time than one hundred pounds, in any one place, house, store or out-house, or if the same gunpowder, so kept as afore- said, shall not be separated in the manner herein above directed, he, she or they shall forfeit all such gunpowder so kept contrary to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance, or so permitted to be kept, and which shall not be separated as aforesaid, and shall also forfeit and pay a fine not less than twenty-five, nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit, by the Mayor or any other competent magistrate; one half to the informer, and the other half for the use of the city.

Art. 11. The Mayor or any justice of the peace within the limits of the city, is hereby authorised, as often as he shall be informed upon oath, or affirmation, of probable cause to suspect any person or persons whomsoever, of concealing or keeping within the city or precincts, to the distance of two miles from the said city, any quantity of gunpowder, over and above one hundred pounds weight, as aforesaid, or of concealing or keeping in any boat, ship or other vessel within the port of New Orleans, any quantity of gun- powder, over and above ten pounds weight, (ships of war only excepted) to issue a search warrant to be executed in the house, store, shop, or other place, or any boat, ship or other vessel designated to him, to examine into the truth of such allegation, in order that every such offender be proceeded against in the manner above specified, or in conformity with the ordinance respecting the said port, as the case may be.

ART. 12. No person shall hereafter be permitted to fire or discharge any gun, pistol, fowling piece or fire arm, nor to discharge or let off any rocket, cracker, squib or other fire-works, in any street, court-yard, lot, walk or public way, within the city or suburbs, or from the door or window of any house or other building, or near any house or other inhabited part of the said city or suburbs, on any account whatever, particularly on the occasion of festivals or public rejoicings, under the penalty of from five to ten dollars upon each offender, if the person so offending be free, and of thirty lashes if the offender be a slave ; provided always, that nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed to extend to the reviews or exercises of any r military company; and if any person or persons shall let off any fire-works, or shall make any bonfire without having first obtained the permission of the Mayor of this city, who will appoint the place for so doing, every such person or persons shall pay the fine aforesaid.

Approved, July 1, 1817.

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An ordinance concerning cattle, fences of planlations [sic] and other objects of  rural police, within the city of New Orleans

Art. 16. Whoever shall fire a gun or other kind of fire-arms near any house or other inhabited place ; whoever shall fire at pigeons, or shall kill or wound any domestic animal, while hunting or fowling on another person's land, shall, in every such case, be fined from twenty-five to fifty dollars, besides his being liable for damages to the party concerned, and even to prosecution, if cause be found.

Approved, July 31, 1828.

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An Ordinance concerning the Port and Levee of New-Orleans. 

Art. 18. All owners, captains or masters of vessels, steam-boats, flat-boats, barger flats, keel-boats, pirogues or other crafts whatsoever, having on board more than twenty-five pounds of gun-powder, are expressly forbidden to moor them to the levee, or to anchor near the levee of New Orleans, under the penalty of a fine of from fifteen to fifty dollars ; this fine shall he [sic] incurred for every twenty-five pounds of gun-powder found on board of the said vessels, steam-boats, flat-boats, flats, keel-boats, pirogues, or other crafts whatsoever, exceeding the twenty-five pounds allowed by the present article.

Approved, November 7, 1829

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An Ordinance respecting public Balls.
Art. 1. It shall not be lawful for any person to enter into a public ball-room with any cane, stick, sword or any other weapon, and every person having either a cane, stick, sword or any other weapon, shall, before he enter the ball-room, deposite [sic] the same at the office which shall be at the door of the entrance of said ball-room, where there will be a person appointed to receive and take care of such articles which he shall carefully keep, affixing to each article a number, a check of which he shall give to the owner ; and said articles shall not be returned to the persons respectively depositing them, until said persons are quitting the balls and produce their checks.

Art. 2.
Art. 3.
Art. 4.

Approved October 27, 1817.