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No. 48.] AN ACT Establishing rules and articles for the government of the army and militia of the State of Louisiana.
Art. 25. No officer or soldier shall send a challenge to another officer or soldier, to light a duel, or accept a challenge if sent, upon pain, it a commissioned officer, of being cashiered; ifa non-commissioned officer or soldier, of suffering corporeal punishment, at the discretion of a court-martial.
ART. 26. If any commissioned or non-commissioned officer commanding a guard shall knowingly or willingly suffer any person that soever to go forth to fight a duel, be shall be punished as a challenger; and all seconds, promoters, and carriers of challenges, in order to duels, shall be deemed principals, and punished accordingly. And it shall be the duty of every officer commanding an army, regiment, company, poet, or detachment, who is knowing to a challenge being given or accepted by any officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier, tinder his command, or has reason to believe the same to be the case, immediately to arrest and bring to trial such offenders.
Approved February 10th, 1864.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.