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Arms Regulation in 19th Century Louisiana: 1896

Flynn's digest of the city ordinances, together with the constitutional provisions, acts of the General assembly, and decisions of the courts relative to the government of the City of New Orleans. 1896

See Charter — Offences.

page 91

Art 89. That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person to carry a dangerous weapon, concealed or otherwise, into any public hall, tavern, picnic ground, place for shows or exhibitions, house or other place of public entertainment or amusement.

Art. 90. That any person violating the provisions of the first section of this ordinance by carrying a dangerous weapon, not concealed, into any of the places designated in said section, shall be subject to the payment of a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or to imprisonment in the parish prison not to exceed twenty days, to be imposed by the Recorder within whose jurisdiction the offence is committed.

Art. 91. That any person violating the provisions of the first section of this ordinance by carrying a dangerous weapon concealed about his person in any of the places designated in said section, shall be arrested and prosecuted for violation of the law relative to the carrying of dangerous weapons concealed about the person.

page 239

Art. 479. (1) It shall not be lawful for any person to keep any gunpowder, or offer for sale any gunpowder, without having previously obtained a license for that purpose. The Mayor shall grant licenses to vendors of gunpowder to sell by retail, who shall be permitted to have on hand no greater quantity than thirty pounds at any one time, said powder to be kept in a suitable tin or copper canister, to be labeled " Powder," in large letters, and the said canister must be kept on a shelf in sight, and within ten feet of the main entrance of the store. For this license ten dollars annually shall be paid.

Art. 480. (2.) to Art. 490

page 241


Art. 491. (9.) to Art. 497.

page 243


Art. 468

page 544

Art. 1341. That whoever shall carry a weapon or weapons concealed on or about his person, such as  pistols, bowieknives, dirks, or any other dangerous weapon, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty- five dollars, and in the event the fine imposed shall not be paid the Recorder may sentence the offender to a term not exceeding thirty days in the parish prison.

Art. 1342 to Art. 1350.

page 1087


Art. 2877. (6.)


page 1143

Art. 3055 (2) et seq. Rogues and Vagabonds