March 31, 1807
(2) Chapter I
AN ACT Supplementary to an Act, entitled "An Act providing for the Superior Court going Circuit," and for establishing Courts of Inferior Jurisdiction."
sections 1 to 9
March 7, 1824
AN ACT To determine the boundaries between the parishes of Assumption and Lafourche Interior, and the Eastern boundary of the last mentioned parish.
1827 Act March 22
AN ACT To amend an act, entitled "an act to determine the boundaries between the parishes of Assumption and Lafourche Interior and the eastern boundary of the last mentioned parish, approved, March 7,1824."
1837 Act No. 28
An Act To fix the limits between the parishes of Point Coupee and West Baton Rouge, and the parishes of St. Mary and Assumption.
1842 Act No. 168
AN ACT to determine the limits and to designate the boundary lines of Assumption.
1848 Act No. 231
AN ACT To provide for fixing the boundaries between the parishes of Terrebonne, Assumption and Lafourche Interior.