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Louisiana Counties and Parishes: St. Martin Parish

The Creation of Legal Borders

St. Martin Parish

March 31, 1807

(2) Chapter I

AN ACT Supplementary to an Act, entitled "An Act providing for the Superior Court going Circuit," and for establishing Courts of Inferior Jurisdiction."

April 17, 1811

Chapter XXIV.

AN ACT To divide the County of Attakapas into two parishes.

March 20, 1813

AN ACT To explain an act entitled, "An act to divide the county of Attakapas into two parishes."

January 17, 1823

AN ACT to create and establish a new Parish in the County of Attakapas, to be called the Parish of Lafayette.

February 25, 1824

AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled: "An act to create and establish a new parish in the county of Attakapas to be called the parish of Lafayette."

February 15, 1833

AN ACT To authorize commissioners to draw a division line between the parishes of St. Martin and St. Mary.

1847 Act No. 130.

 AN ACT To define the boundary line between the parishes of lberville and Ascension, and the boundary line between lberville and St Martln.

1850 Resolution No. 297

For proposed parish of Iberia

1868 Act No. 208

AN ACT To form a new Parish to be called the Parish of Iberia.