1852 Act No. 112
AN ACT To fix the boundary between the parish of Rapides and the parishes of St. Landry and Calcasieu.
1870 Act No. 102.
AN ACT To create the parish of Cameron and providing for the organization thereof.
1910 ACT No. 77.
AN ACT To create, establish, and organize the Parish of Jefferson Davis; to fix and define the boundaries thereof; to provide a representative therefor and to assign the parish to a Senatorial a Judicial and other districts and to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the Parish of Calcasieu with the Parish of Jefferson Davis.
1910 ACT No. 77. Vote Failed
1910 ACT NO. 78
AN ACT To create, establish and organize the Parish of Beauregard; to fix and define the boundaries thereof; to provide a representative therefor; and to assign the Parish to a Senatorial, a Judicial and other districts; and to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the Parish of Calcasieu with the said Parish of Beauregard.
Vote Failed
1910 ACT NO. 79.
AN ACT To create, establish and organize the Parish of Allen; to fix and define the boundaries thereof; to provide a representative there-for: and to assign the parish to a senatorial, a judicial and other districts; and to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the Parish of Calcasieu with the said Parish of Allen.
1910 ACT NO. 79 Vote Failed
1912 ACT No. 6.
AN ACT To create, establish, and organize the parish of Allen; to fix and define the boundaries thereof; to provide a Representative therefor; to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the Parish of Calcasieu with the said Parish of Allen; and to assign the Parish to a Senatorial, Judicial, and other Districts.
1912 ACT No. 7.
AN ACT To create, establish, and organize the Parish of Jefferson Davis; to fix and define the bounderies[sic] thereof; to provide a Representative therefor; to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the Parish of Calcasieu with the said Parish of Jefferson Davis; and to assign the Parish to a Senatorial, Judicial, and other Districts.
1912 ACT No. 8.
AN ACT To create, establish, and organize the Parish of Beauregard; to fix and define the boundaries thereof; to provide for a Representative therefor; to provide for the adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the parish of Calcasieu with the said Parish of Bureaugard [sic]; and to assign the Parish to a Senatorial, Judicial, and other Districts.