ACT No. 122.
To amend and reenact section twenty-one (21) of Act No. 159 of 1912 approved July 11, 1912, entitled "An act to incorporate the City of New Orleans; to provide a Commission form of Government for the administration of the affairs of said city; to provide for an initiative, referendum and recall, and for the manner and mode of exercising and submitting same, and providing penalties for the violation of any of the provisions of this Act in reference to same; to submit this Act to the qualified voters of the City of New Orleans for their approval or disapproval; to provide if disapproved this Act shall be non-operative; to call a special election for the purpose of taking the sense of said voters; to provide a special primary to nominate party candidates for municipal offices in the City of New Orleans to be elected in November 1912, and for that purpose only to subordinate the general primary laws of the State to the special provisions of this Act, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.