No. 131. AN ACT
To create Recorders' Courts in the city of New Orleans, and to provide for the appointment and election of Recorders, to define their jurisdiction, qualification, and powers, and to repeal an Act entitled "An Act establishing four municipal courts in the city of New Orleans, and defining the jurisdiction and officers thereof, and repealing all laws establishing Recorders' Courts and providing for the transfer of the records from the Recorders' Courts to said municipal courts, and for other purposes," approved May seventeen, eighteen hundred and seventy-three; to abolish the Fifth Municipal Court for the Seventh District of New Orleans, and to provide for the transfer of the books and records of said court; and to fix the compensation to be paid the judge and constable of the Seventh Justice Court by the city of Now Orleans in lieu of costs, fees, and expenses in criminal cases cognizable by said court, and to repeal all laws and parts [of laws] in conflict with this Act.