Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts of Appeal, in District Courts, and in such other
courts as are hereinafter provided.
All judges shall be conservators of the peace throughout the tors of the peace. State. The style of all process shall be "The State of Louisiana"; and all prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana, and shall conclude: "against the peace and dignity of the same". The judges of all courts shall refer to the law and adduce the reasons on which every definitive judgment is founded. In all cases where there is an appeal from aa judgment on a reconventional or other incidental demand, the appeal shall lie to the court having jurisdiction of the main demand. If there he no right of appeal on the main demand, the appeal shall lie to the court having jurisdiction of the reconventional demand.
Section 36. The District Courts shall have jurisdiction of peals from justices of the peace from orders requiring peace bonds, and of all civil matters regardless of the amount in dispute, except cases where immovable property, either separately or in conjunction with movable property, is claimed as a homestead, Persons sentenced to pay a fine or to imprisonment, by mayors, recorders, or municipal courts shall be entitled to an appeal to the District Court of the parish, upon giving security for fine and costs of court, and in such cases trials shall be de novo and without juries.
Section 73. The Legislature shall provide a general fee and cost bill to regulate the fees and costs to be charged for the services of sheriffs, clerks and recorders, justices of the peace, constables, and coroners, in all civil matters; from which compensation for the services of said officials may be provided according to law. Salaries may be fixed for said officials, and if the fees and costs collected by them exceed such salaries, such excess may be disposed of according to law. The Legislature may provide in all civil cases for the service of process and pleadings by litigants themselves.
Section 83. The Criminal District Court for the parish of Orleans shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the trial and punishment of all crimes, misdemeanors and offenses committed within the parish of Orleans, the jurisdiction of which is not vested by this Constitution in some other court.
It shall have appellate jurisdiction of all cases tried before the Juvenile Court for the parish of Orleans and the Recorders ' Courts of the City of New Orleans, as provided in this Constitution. Said appeals from the Recorders' Courts shall be on the law and the facts and shall be tried upon the records made and the evidence offered in said courts by the judge to whom the appeal shall be allotted. In all cases tried before the judges of the said Criminal District Court in which an appeal does not lie to the Supreme Court, and in cases tried before the Juvenile Court, an appeal shall lie on questions of law and fact to two or more of the judges of the said Criminal District Court, as may be prescribed by said court ; and the court shall adopt rules regulating the manner of taking and hearing and deciding said appeals.
The said Criminal District Court shall have general and supervisory jurisdiction over the Recorders' Courts of the City of New Orleans, and shall have authority to issue writs of habeas corpus in criminal cases, arid such other writs and orders as may be necessary in aid of the jurisdiction of said court........
Section 94. The judges of the Recorder s' Courts in the City of New Orleans shall be qualified electors, not less than twenty-five years of age, and need not be attorneys at law. The jurisdiction of said courts shall extend to the trial of offences against city ordinances. they shall have no other jurisdiction. The judges of said courts shall be elected and removed by the Commission Council, or other governing authority, of the City of New Orleans.