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A Brief History of the Requirements to Join the Louisiana Bar: 1855

Change was frequent

Free white citizen

old state capital, resembles a castleIn 1855, the Legislature passed Act 115, that listed which free white citizens the Supreme Court should admit to practice law: "First, all graduates of the Law Department of the University of Louisiana* who shall produce evidence of good character. Second, when they shall produce a license to practice law from any other State of this Union, or a diploma from any law school or college of the other States, with evidence of good character, and shall have been examined in open court touching their fitness to practice in the courts of this State and found qualified. Third, When the applicants shall have been found qualified to practice law in the courts of this State, by an examination before the Supreme Court, according to such rules and regulations as they may adopt from time to time."

1855 Act 320 established the University of Louisiana. Section 9 provided that a Bachelor at Law from the university authorized a person to practice law in Louisiana.


*This later became Tulane University.

1855 Act 115

1855 Act 320