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Louisiana Capital Locations: 1845

and some capitol places


Louisiana Constitution of 1845

ART. 112. The General Assembly, which shall meet after the first election of Representatives under this Constitution, shall, within the first month after the commencement of the session, designate and fix the seat of Government, at some place not less than sixty miles from the City of New Orleans, by the nearest traveling route; and if on the Mississippi, by the meanders of the same; and when so fixed, it shall not be removed without the consent of four-fifths of the members of both houses of the General Assembly. The sessions shall be held in New Orleans until the end of the year 1848.


Journal of the proceedings of the Convention of the state of Louisiana, begun and held in the city of New Orleans, on the 14th day of January, 1845

from Hathi Trust

Rapports officiels des deĢbats de Convention de la Louisiane, James Foullouze, rapporteur.

from Hathi Trust

1845 Constitution

Louisiana Constitution of 1845:

from Wikisource

from Hathi Trust