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Louisiana Capital Locations: 1850

and some capitol places


The Third Legislature of the State of Louisiana, held and began their session in the Town of Baton Rouge, on the 21st day of January, 1850. In March, the legislature authorized the Governor to transfer part of State House Square to the New Orleans Mechanic's Society, and to divide and sell off the remainder.  During the summer, the old state house on Canal was razed.

No. 269.]     AN ACT
Making an appropriation to complete the State House at Baton Rouge.

No. 270.]      AN ACT
To provide for the disposition of certain public property in the city of New Orleans.

1850 Act No. 269

1850 Act No. 270

Newspaper articles

State Capitol in Baton Rouge

Louisiana State Capitol, looks like a white castle with crenellated battlements. The Federal national flag flies from the left turret and Federal troops may be seen around the entrance to the building. Iron fence surrounds the block.

Courtesy the Louisiana Digital Library

National Register of Historic Places