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Louisiana Capital Locations: 1874

and some capitol places


Nov 59.]    AN ACT
Making appropriations for the general expenses of the State for the year ending the thirty-first day of December, A. D. 1874.

Salary of keeper of State House, six hundred dollars.

Appropriation to pay rent of all public buildings, thirty-eight thousand dollars, to be paid out on the warrant of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives, or a majority of the same, who are hereby constituted a board on public buildings, with full and exclusive authority to lease, in the name of the State, such public building or buildings, for all the various executive departments and for the General Assembly, for an annual rental not to exceed fifty thousand dollars and for a period not to exceed twenty years, said building or buildings to be exempt from State and parish taxes while occupied as a State House.

Appropriation to pay E. R Wagener for draping State House in mourning, and for furnishing material upon the death of President Lincoln, two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents.

For services rendered by Jeff Stokes and David Bates for cleaning and fitting up State House in 1868, one hundred and fifty dollars each.

Appropriation to pay the deficiency in rent of the State House for the year 1873, eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.

State House

color postcard of the St. Louis Hotel. Massive 4 story hotel commands a city block.

courtesy of the Historic New Orleans Collection

News articles

1874 Act No. 59