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Louisiana Capital Locations: 1864

and some capitol places


Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, commander of the occupied areas of Louisiana, summoned a constitutional convention on orders from President Lincoln. It was Louisiana's chance to get back into the Union.

Louisiana Constitution of 1864, Article 130. The seat of government shall be and remain at New Orleans, and shall not be removed without the consent of a majority of both Houses of the General Assembly. 

The Union backed legislature met in Liberty Hall, located within City Hall (now Gallier Hall).


Official journal of the proceedings of the Convention for the revision and amendment of the constitution of the state of Louisiana

from Hathi Trust

Debates in the Convention for the revision and amendment of the constitution of the state of Louisiana. Assembled at Liberty hall, New Orleans, April 6, 1864. By Albert P. Bennett, official reporter ...

from Hathi Trust

from Internet Archive

Gallier Hall today


The English version of the Constitution may be found at page 173 of the Official Journal.

from Hathi Trust