page 22
No. 26.] AN ACT Making appropriations to defray the ordinary expenses of the government; to pay the interest on the public debt, and to support public schools and public charities in the State of Louisiana, and to build and repair public levees, for the year commencing July 1, 1896, and ending June 30, 1897, and for the year commencing July 1, 1897, and ending June 30, 1898.
Approved July 6, 1896.
page 35
No. 28.] AN ACT To amend and re-enact Article 3236 of the Revised Civil Code of 1870, in reference to the disposition of property upon which inn-keepers have a privilege.
page 121
No. 89.] AN ACT Relative to the registration of voters throughout the State and to provide for a biennial registration thereof; to provide for his salary, is clerk and his salary. Supervisor and his clerk ineligible to any office. an annual registration in the parish of Orleans, and to provide for the appointment of a Supervisor of Registration for said parish, and clerks of registration throughout the State; to fix their compensation; define their duties and powers; to define the duties of certain officers, and to regulate the manner and mode of registering voters throughout the State; to provide for a new registration throughout the State, the parish of Orleans included, and to provide for the appointment of special canvassers, and to prescribe penalties for the violation of this act.
Approved July 9th, 1896.
page 142
No. 96. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section Fourteen Hundred and Seventy. nine (1479) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana as amended by Act 117 of 1886, and to provide for the expropriation of property for purposes of Charity Hospitals and public schools.
page 157
No. 108.] AN ACT To authorize the Board of Administrators of the Charity Hospital at New Orleans, to close Locust street from Common to Gravier streets, whenever they shall have acquired all the property on both sides of Locust street, between Common and Gravier streets; and to fix the time within which any actions for damages or otherwise by reason of said closing shall be brought.