page 106
ACT No. 88. - AN ACT Making appropriations to defray the ordinary expenses of the government: to pay the interest on the public debt; and to support public schools and public charities in the State of Louisiana: to build and repair public levees, and to maintain the State Penitentiary, for the year commencing July 1st, 1908, and ending June 30th, 1909, and for the year commencing July 1st, 1909, and ending June 30th, 1910.
Approved July 2, 1908.
page 140
ACT No. 98. AN ACT Relative to a new registration of voters throughout the State; to regulate the manner and mode of registering voters; to provide for the appointment of special canvassers and to provide penalties for the violations of the provisions of this Act; to provide for the appointment or selections of registrars of voters throughout the State; defining their duties and powers and fixing their compensation.
Approved: July 1st, 1908.
page 481
ACT No. 314. AN ACT Prohibiting insurance companies, doing business in this State, from paying the insurance adjusters or to companies engaged in the adjustment of losses, any fee or compensation in excess of a regular salary or stipend and providing penalties for the violation of this Act.
Approved July 9, 1908.