page 32
Act No. 23.) AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 219.4 of the Revised Statutes, relative to distribution of certain books.
Approved June 16th. A. D. 1902.
page 69
Act No. 50.) AN ACT To amend and re-enact Sections one, three, five and seven of Article one of Act number 105 of 1898, of the regular session of 1898, approved July 13th, 1898, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 144 of 1900 approved July 12th, 1900, entitled an “Act in relation to the organization and operation of State insurance companies, and of insurance companies organized under the laws of other States and countries; to regulate fire insurance and insurance by lightning or tempest on land; marine insurance including inland transportation or navigation; insurance guarantee- ing the fidelity of persons in positions of trust to act as surety on official bonds. To regulate the insurance loss or damage to property or life caused by the explosion of steam boilers; accident insurance; breakage of plate glass, local or in transit; insurance against loss by water to any goods arising from the leakage or breakage of water pipes or sprinklers; relative to elevators, bicycles and vehicles; to regulate credit insurance or guarantee, life insurance, to regulate generally fire, river, inland navigation or transportation or marine insurance; how local mutual and stock companies may be formed, the provisions to be included in their charter; amount of capital required: board of directors; how organized, and duties of the same; officers, how elected, and their duties; capital, how in- Fixing the limit of a day's labor where children and women are employed. vested; restrictions upon business to be carried on; how- dividends are to be declared; how impairment of capital stock may be remedied; duties of Secretary of State; reduction of capital stock and regulations providing for the examination of companies by the Secretary of State reduction of capital stock, and regulations providing for the examination of companies by the Secretary of State and penalties for the violation thereof, and the regulations of insurance companies. Relative to companies organized under the laws of other States: to appoint Secretary of State attorney to accept service of process; to deposit with Secretary of State copy of charter; deposit required of companies organized under the laws of foreign countries; providing for the filing of annual statements with the Secretary of State: relative to compliance with the laws of this State; authorization and penalty for acting as unauthorized agent; prohibiting payment of brokerage. commission or rebate to any but authorized agents: authorizing revocation of certificate for cause; providing that business must be written by resident agents in this State; authorizing Secretary of State to investigate all violations of law and penalty for such violations, reciprocal provisions: advertisement, how made; return premium on unconsumed portion of policy after payment of loss, authorizing Secretary of State to make inquiry as he may deem necessary, and to examine into financial condition of the companies; the impairment of capital; limit of liability to be assumed in any one risk; penalty for making false oath, and providing that all fines re- covered shall be paid to the Charity Hospital; contracts with unauthorized companies null and void; how reserve required by fire insurance companies shall be computed. Tax collectors to require certificate from Secretary of State for the purpose of fixing the license. Providing for the adoption of the New York Standard form of fire insurance policy. Organization and operations of local insurance companies: insurance and re-insurance in unauthorized companies; how regulated; and to regulate generally the business of insurance in this State.
Approved July 24th. A. D. 1902.
page 118
Act No. 87.) AN ACT Making appropriations to defray the ordinary expenses of the government; to pay the interest on the public debt, and to support public schools and public charities in the State of Louisiana; to build and repair public levees, and to maintain the State penitentiary for the year commencing July 1st, 1902 and ending June 30th, 1903, and for the year commencing July 1st, 1903 and ending June 30th, 1904.
Approved, July 5th A.D. 1902.
page 170
Act No. 111.) - AN ACT To amend and re-enact Sections 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33 and 36 of Act No. 6 extra session of the General Assembly of Louisiana, approved August 18, 1899, entitled “An act to make effective the vote and levy of the special tax by the property taxpayers of the City of New Orleans for water, sewerage and drainage purposes; by authorizing the capitalization of said tax by the issuance of fifty-year bonds of the City of New Orleans under certain conditions and with certain privileges and restrictions, providing for the payment of the principal and interest thereof, for the disposition of the said bonds and the proceeds thereof. and defining the powers and duties of the Board of Liquidation with reference thereto; by constituting and establishing a Sewerage and Water Board for the City of New Orleans and defining its powers, duties, rights and obligations with reference to the public, the City Council, the Board of Liquidation, and the Drainage Commission, and vice versa; by authorizing the City of New Orleans, through said board, to acquire all necessary property, rights and franchises by purchase, construction or expropriation, either within or without the city, necessary and proper for her public system of sewerage and water and in such case to assume as part of the purchase price existing mortgages on said property, and to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of such assumed debts; and to provide for the violation of said act.”
Approved; July 8th A.D. 1902.
page 457
Act No. 227.) AN ACT To amend and re-enact Act No. 96 of 1896, approved July 9th, 1896, entitled “An Act to amend and re-enact Section 1479 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana as amended by Act 117 of 1886,” and to provide for the expropriation of property for purposes of charity and public schools.
Approved: July 10th, A. D. 1902.