page 13
ACT No. 364. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of Louisiana by adding thereto Section 2 (a).
Adopted by the Regular Session of the Legislature of Louisiana for 1942. NOTE: The above was No. 1 on the ballots voted on throughout the State on November 3, 1942, and carried by the following vote:
FOR ..................................... 61,759 votes
AGAINST ............................... 11,235 votes
page 69
ACT No. 44. AN ACT Making appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the government, pensions, the public debt and interest thereon, public schools, public roads, public charities, and State institutions.
Approved by the Governor except as to the items in Schedule 103 and 103-A vetoed: July 7, 1944.
page 738
ACT No. 252. AN ACT To amend and reenact Section 8 of Act No. 3 of 1942, entitled: "An Act to establish the Department of Institutions; to merge and consolidate therein and transfer thereto the functions of the State Hospital Board, the State Hospital Director, the Board of Directors of the State Industrial School for Colored Youths, the Board of Commissioners of the State Industrial School for Girls, the Board of Commissioners of the Louisiana Training Institute, the Board of Administrators of the State Colony and Training School, the Board of Administrators of the East Louisiana State Hospital, the Board of Administrators of the Louisiana Hospital for the Insane of the State of Louisiana (Central Louisiana Hospital), the Huey P. Long Hospital (Pineville), the Florida Parishes Charity Hospital (Independence), the Southwest Louisiana Charity Hospital (Lafayette), the Board of Directors of the Northeast Louisiana Charity Hospital (Monroe), the Hot Wells Hospital (Rapides Parish), the Board of Directors of the Shreveport Charity Hospital, the Maternity Hospital (Baton Rouge), the Board of Administrators of the Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, the General Manager of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, the State Warden of the Penitentiary, the Board of Directors of the Soldiers' Home of the State of Louisiana (Camp Nicholls), the Tuberculosis Commission for the State of Louisiana, as to the management and administration of the Greenwell Springs Tuberculosis Hospital and any other tuberculosis sanitariums, and the boards of all other State hospitals and institutions, except institutions of learning; providing for the administration, management and operation. of all State hospitals and other institutions of the State, except institutions of learning; defining the organization, powers, duties of the Department; providing for the qualifications, terms of office, methods of appointment, compensation, duties and powers of the Director and Boards of the Department; transferring functions, records, properties and employees; prescribing methods and procedures; abolishing superseded agencies; repealing inconsistent provi- sions; act immediately effective."
Approved by the Governor: July 10, 1944.