page 10
ACT No. 5 AN ACT Making appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the State Government, pensions, public schools, public roads, public charities and state institutions.
Approved by the Acting Governor: June 12, 1959.
page 114
ACT No. 46 AN ACT Making appropriation to the Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans out of the General Fund of the State of Louisiana for the fiscal year 1959-1960 in the amount of $800,000.00 for capital outlay in the construction of warehouse and cold storage building and for repairs to the main hospital building.
Approved by the Acting Governor: June 10, 1959.
page 12
ACT No. 541 AN ACT A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to Section 23.3 of Article XIV of the Constitution of Louisiana relative to the fixing of water rates to be charged private consumers of water by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and the purposes for which such revenues may be used, including the funding thereof into water revenue bonds and the procedure to be followed before taking any decisive action in regard to rates, the intention to introduce said amendment having been advertised in accordance with law.
NOTE: The above was No. 17 on the ballots voted on throughout the State on November 4, 1958, and carried by the following vote:
FOR .................................................... 111,567
AGAINST .............................................. 54,516