page 36
ACT No. 29. AN ACT Amending and re-enacting Section 8 of Act 159 of 1912, (City Charter of the City of New Orleans) as amended and re- enacted by Act No. 21 of the Extra Session of 1917, so as to include therein the right to sell or change the destination of any street, sidewalk or property in the City of New Orleans for the enlargement or extension of any hospital which the City of New Orleans utilizes in whole or in part for the care and treatment of destitute persons.
Approved: June 20, 1918.
page 198
ACT No. 125. AN ACT Making an appropriation to defray the ordinary expenses of the Government; to pay the interest on the public debt; and to support public schools and public charities in the State of Louisiana; to build and repair public levees; to maintain the State penitentiary; and other State departments for the year commencing July 1st, 1918, and ending June 30th, 1919, and for the year commencing July 1st, 1919, and ending June 30th, 1920.
Approved: July 9, 1918.
page 369
ACT No. 195. AN ACT To relieve the charity and insane hospitals of the State of Louisiana from making semi-annual, itemized, detailed reports showing the receipt and disbursement of funds.
Approved: July 10, 1918.
page 417
ACT NO. 233. AN ACT To Levee three-fourths of a mill on all property subject to taxation in the State of Louisiana for the year 1918, and, under certain circumstances, for the year 1919, for the benefit of the current school fund, and for the charitable and educational institutions of the State of Louisiana specifically set forth as follows, to wit: Louisiana Training Institute at Monroe, East Louisiana Hospital for Insane at Jackson, Louisiana Hospital for Insane at Pineville, Charity Hospital at New Orleans, Charity Hospital at Shreveport, Lepers’ Home in Iberville Parish, School for Deaf at Baton Rouge, and the School for the Blind at Baton Rouge; in the proportion as set forth in section one of this act.
Approved: July 11, 1918.