page 14
AN ACT For regulating the Inferior Courts.
Approved March 16th, 1810.
page 52
AN ACT To suppress the delay granted to debtors by the 4th section of the act supplementary to the acts fixing the powers and jurisdiction of the justices of the peace and for other purposes.
Approved March 23, 1810.
page 36
AN ACT Relative to Drowned Persons.
Approved, March 23rd, 1810.
Extra Session
page 5
AN ACT, Supplemental to the act, entitled 'An act providing for the division of districts into townships, and for the appointment of Justices of the peace and constables.'
Passed October 25th, 1810.
page 6
AN ACT Regulating the mode of Judicial proceedings in certain cases, and extending certain powers to the General Court.
Passed 26 October, 1810.
page 13
AN ACT, Supplemental to an act, entitled 'An act for the recovery of debts and demands not exceeding sixty dollars, before a Justice of the Peace.'
signed 26 October 1810
page 15
AN ACT, Supplementary to an act, entitled 'An act establishing courts of justice and regulating judicial proceedings.'
Passed, October 30, 1810.
page 27
AN ACT Concerning Registered Boatmen.
Passed October 30th, 1810.