page 79
ACT NO. 51. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Article 1139 of the Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana.
Approved: July 5, 1924.
page 385
ACT NO. 207. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section Four (4) of Act No. 191 of 1910 as amended by Act No. 298 of 1914., as amended by Act No. 25 of 1921., entitled " An Act abolishing the offices of the Justices of the Peace and Constable in the Third (3) Wards of the Parish of Lafayette, and creating in their stead the City Court of the City of Lafayette, consisting of Judge and Marshal and defining their qualifications, powers, jurisdiction and term of office, providing for their salaries and fees, place of office and manner of executing process;'' Due notice in accordance with Section 6 Article IV of the Constitution having been given for thirty days of the intention to apply for the passage of this act and satisfactory proof of the publication of said notice having been exhibited to the Legislature.
Approved: July 15, 1924.
page 443
ACT NO. 228 AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 1 of Act No. 157 of 1912, as amended and re-enacted by Aet No. 300 of 1914 entitled, " An Act to further regulate the pleadings and practice in civil causes other than appeals from Justice of the Peace Courts in the District Courts of this State.''
Approved: July 17, 1924.
page 459
ACT NO. 233. AN ACT To regulate the sale of paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides : to define the duties and powers of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration in relation to the suppression of adulteration and fraud in the sale of paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides in conformity therewith : to provide for the inspection and analysis of all paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides sold for use in the State of Louisiana, and for the payment by the seller of the inspection fee therefor : to provide for guarantees of the ingredients contained in paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides, and the affixing of stamps to the packages thereof as evidence of the guarantee and inspection thereof; to prohibit the sale of illegal and fraudulent paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides, in violation of the provisions of this Act; and affixing fines and penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act; to provide for judicial proceedings in rem against paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides sold in contravention of this Act ; to give the Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration a privilege thereon and right to writ of provisional seizure, to conserve said privilege, and to define the methods of said procedure ; to provide for suits for the recovery of fines, penalties and injunctions under this Act ; to provide for the distribution and expenditure of the fees and penalties and provide for the complete enforcement of the provisions of this Act and the expenses incident thereto; and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith, in so far as they might operate in the future.
page 513
ACT No. 243. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 16, of Act No 169, of 1898 as amended and re-enacted by Act. No. 60 of 1902, Act No. 156 of 1906, and Act No. 161 of 1910 and Section 17 of Act No. 169 of 1898, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 156 of 1906, entitled : " An Act to incorporate the City of Baton Rouge : provide for the Government and the administration of the affairs thereof; and to repeal all laws in conflict therewith.''