page 12
ACT NO. 10. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Sections 3 and 4 of Act No. 157 of 1926 and to add new sections 9 and 10, the act being entitled "An Act. to abolish the office of Justice of the Peace and create instead a municipal court in Ward One of Lincoln Parish; to designate and provide for the election of its officers and for officers pro-tempore, and prescribe their qualifications, powers, duties, and compensation; to fix its domicile, define its jurisdiction, provide for service and execution of its process, and for appeals from said Court; and to repeal laws in conflict herewith." Due notice of the intention to apply for the passage of this Act having been published for thirty days as required by Section 6 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana for the year 1921, and evidence thereof having been exhibited to the Legislature.
Approved July 7, 1928.
page 36
ACT NO. 32. AN ACT By Mr. Ard. To amend and re-enact Section Four (4) of Act No. 191 of 1910, as amended by Act No. 298 of 1914, as amended by Act No. 25 of 1921, as amended by Act 207 of 1924, entitled "An Act abolishing the offices of the Justices of the Peace and Constables in the Third (3) Ward of the Parish of Lafayette, and creating in their stead the City Court of the City of Lafayette, consisting of Judge and Marshal and defining their qualifications, powers, jurisdiction and term of office, providing for their salaries and fees, place of office and method of executing process;" Due notice in accordance with Section 6 of Article IV of the Constitution having been given for thirty days of the intention to apply for the passage of this act and satisfactory proof of the publication of said notice having been exhibited to the Legislature.
Approved July 7, 1928.
page 163
ACT NO. 137. AN ACT To put into effect Section 51 of Article 7 of the Constitution of 1921, by fixing the status and civil jurisdiction of the City Court of the City of Crowley and regulating the practice in and appeals from said Court, created and existing under Act 136 of 1898 amendments thereto. Providing for the abolition of the offices of Justice of the Peace and Constable in Ward 6, Acadia Parish, and creating in their stead, the City Court of the City of Crowley, consisting of a Judge and Marshal, and defining their qualifications, powers, jurisdiction and term of office; providing for their salaries and fees and method of executing process.
Approved July 12, 1928.
page 203
ACT NO. 151. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 29 of Act No. 136 of 1898, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 91 of 1904, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 160 of 1910, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 96 of 1921, entitled: "An Act for the creation and government of municipal corporations throughout the State, and defining their powers and duties and providing for the extension or contraction of their limits".
Approved July 16, 1928.
page 291
ACT NO. 223. AN ACT To carry into effect Section 37 of Article VII of the Constitution of 1921, by providing the method of procedure in District Courts. in those cases in which said courts have concurrent jurisdiction with Justice of Peace Courts other than municipal Courts; by providing who may render judgment in such cases; by conferring other powers upon certain officers in order to make such procedure effective; and by repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
Approved July 18, 1928.
page 524
ACT NO. 272. AN ACT To abolish the offices of Justice of the Peace and Constables and create instead a City Court in Ward One of Natchitoches Parish; to designate and provide for the election of its officers and for officers pro-tempore, and prescribe their qualifications, powers, duties and compensation; to fix its domicile, define its jurisdiction, provide for service and execution of its process, and for appeals from said Court; and to repeal laws in conflict herewith.
Approved July 20, 1928.
page 533
ACT NO. 276. House Bill No. 610. By Mr. Abels. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Act 234 of the General Assembly of 1918, entitled "An Act abolishing the offices of Justice of the Peace and Constable in the Seventh Ward of the Parish of Tangipahoa, and creating in their the City Court of Hammond and the necessary officers of said Court and defining the qualifications, powers and term of office, and the time and manner of election or appointment, jurisdiction of said Court, manner of taking appeals therefrom, domicile of said Court and method of executing process, and providing their salaries and fees, and providing for the disposition of the fines and penalties assessed and collected by said court and for the care and use of the prisoners awaiting trial and tried and convicted by said Court; and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act.
Approved July 20, 1928.
page 628
ACT NO. 296. A To provide for the regulation of traffic on public highways of this State; to enlarge and add to the powers of the Louisiana Highway Commission; to define, control and regulate motor vehicles and other vehicles using the public highways, roads and streets of this State; except as to rates, fares charges and service of such motor vehicles as may be placed under the control of Louisiana Public Service Commission; . . .
Approved July 21, 1928.