page 914
ACT No. 261 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2590(A) (introductory paragraph), (B) and (C) and 3921 and to enact R.S. 13:2590(D), relative to collection of costs or fees; to provide relative to processing fees prior to payment to a creditor; to provide relative to fees collected by constables of justice of the peace courts; to provide for the use of such fees; to provide with respect to the seizure of creditor; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, May 15, 2018.
page 948
ACT No. 276 AN ACT To amend and reenact Subpart A of Part IV of Chapter 1 of Code Title IV of Code Book I of Title 9 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 9:241 through 243, relative to the performance of marriage ceremonies; to provide for the waiting period before conducting a marriage ceremony; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, May 18, 2018.