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Louisiana's Justice of the Peace: 1930

Laws and History


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ACT No. 9.  AN ACT Dividing Ward 4, of Vernon Parish, Louisiana, into two Police Jury Wards, making each Justice of the Peace Ward a Police Jury Ward and providing for an ad- ditional Justice of the Peace, Constable and Police Juror therein, until the next general election; and providing for the election of one Police Juror from each of said wards, and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.

Approved July 3, 1930.

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ACT No. 17.   AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 16 of Act No. 169 of 1898, as amended and re-enacted by Act No. 60 of 1902, Act No. 156 of 1906, Act No. 161 of 1910, and Act No. 243 of 1924, entitled: "An act to incorporate the City of Baton Rouge; provide for the Government and administration of the affairs thereof; and to repeal all laws inconsistent or in conflict herewith."

Approved July 11, 1930.

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ACT No. 59.  AN ACT Abolishing the offices of the Justice of the Peace and Constable in the Fifth Ward of the Parish of Ouachita, and creating in their stead the City Court of West Monroe, and the necessary officers of said court, and defining the qualifications, powers and term of offices, and the time and manner of election or appointment, jurisdiction of said court, manner of taking appeals therefrom, domicile of said court and method of executing process, and providing for salaries and fees of the officials thereof, and providing for the disposition of fines and penalties assessed and collected by said court, and for the care and use of the prisoners awaiting trial and tried and convicted by said court, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws, general or special, in conflict with this act.

Approved July 15, 1930.