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Louisiana's Justice of the Peace: Records

Laws and History

1805 New Orleans City Charter

partial scan of page, reads: The Mayor and Recorder of said city, for the time being, shall be ex officio justices of the peace.

The Mayor and Recorder of said city, for the time being, shall be ex officio justices of the peace.

New Orleans Justice of the Peace Courts

Record of suits in Justice of the Peace courts, 1854-1863 [VA411]--arranged by dates suits were filed, giving the number of the Justice's Court in which filed, name of the party opposing the City of New Orleans (either as plaintiff or defendant), and a description of the suit and the actions taken in it. This volume is indexed. It is likely that the record of most of the suits chronicled in this volume is the most complete extant since the original suit records of the Justice of the Peace courts apparently have not survived.