page 883
ACT No. 295 AN ACT To amend Title 13 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 by adding thereto a new Section, to be designated as R.S. 13:2561.17, to provide that all appeals allowed by law from justice of the peace courts to district courts in civil and criminal matters shall, in the parish of Jefferson for justice of the peace courts east of the Mississippi River, to be to the First Parish Court for the Parish of Jefferson instead of to the district court. Notice of intention to introduce this Act has been published as provided by Article III, Section 13 of the constitution of Louisiana.
Approved : July 7, 1977.
page 884
ACT No. 296 AN ACT To amend Title 13 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 by adding thereto a new Section, to be designated as R.S. 13:2562.17, to provide that all appeals allowed by law from justice of the peace courts to district courts in civil and criminal matters shall, in the parish of Jefferson for justice of the peace courts west of the Mississippi River, be to the Second Parish Court for the Parish of Jefferson instead of to the district court.
Approved : July 7, 1977.
page 1093
ACT No. 393 AN ACT To amend and reenact Paragraph (15) of Section 1952 of Title 13 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, and to amend and reenact Paragraph (10) of Section 1875 of Title 13 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to create and provide for a second judgeship for the City Court of Monroe; to provide for the election and compensation of the judge; to fix the effective date of this Act, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Approved : July 10, 1977.
page 1482
ACT No. 545 AN ACT To amend and reenact Paragraph (1) of Subsection E of Section 402, Section 467, Subsection B of Section 551, Sections 591 and 601, Subsection D of Section 602 and Section 1279 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as enacted by Act No. 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature; to amend Section 402 of said Title, as enacted by Act 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, by adding thereto a new Subsection, to be designated as R.S. 18:402(F); to amend said Title 18, as enacted by Act No. 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, to add thereto a new Chapter, to be designated as Chapter 6-A thereof, comprising R.S. 18:1281 through R.S. 18:1295, both inclusive; and to repeal Part II of Chapter 4 of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950; all relative to special elections to fill vacancies in public offices or to determine a question Or proposition which is to be submitted to a vote of the people.
Approved: July 15, 1977.
page 1818
ACT No. 676 AN ACT To amend Title 13 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 by adding thereto a new Section to be designated as Section 2590, to provide that the chief judge of the district court where the justice of the peace court is located may appoint a justice of the peace ad hoc with the same qualifications required by law for the office of justice of the peace to serve for a maximum of thirty days in each year in parishes having a population of four hundred thousand or more, and to provide for related matters.
Approved : July 25, 1977.
page 1235
ACT No. 471 AN ACT To amend and reenact Subsection B of Section 27, Subsections A and B of Section 424; Subsections A, B, and E of Section 425; Subsection A of Section 426; Subsections A and B of Section 431; Subsections A and B of Section 432; Section 433; Subsection A of Section 434; Subsections A and B of Section 435; and Paragraphs (8) and (10) of Section 571 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, all as enacted by Act No. 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, to amend Section 27 of said Title, as enacted by Act No. 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, by adding thereto a new Subsection, to be designated as R.S. 18:27(C), and to amend Section 431 of said Title, as enacted by Act No. 697 of the 1976 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, by adding thereto two new Subsections, to be designated as R. S. 18:431(C) and R. S. 18:431(D), all relative to the qualifications, training, selection, duties, and compensation of commissioners-in-charge, commissioners, alternate commissioners, and watchers at elections and matters pertaining thereto.
Approved: July 13, 1977.