page 116
ACT No. 29 AN ACT To amend and re-enact Subsection A of Section 1 of Act 16 of the 1968 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, relative to the City Court of the Town of Franklin, Louisiana, to provide for the election of the judge and marshal of said court by the qualified electors of Ward Three of St. Mary Parish, Louisiana.
Became law without Governor's approval.
page 60
ACT No. 690 A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to Section 46 of Article VII of the Constitution of Louisiana, to authorize the police jury of the parish of Avoyelles to reduce the number of justices of the peace for Ward 9 from two to one.
NOTE: The above amendment was voted on throughout the State on November 5, 1968, and carried by the following vote:
F O R ............................................. 219,174
A GA IN ST ........................................ 178,129