4th Ex session
page 76
ACT No. 38. AN ACT To amend and re-enact the title and Section 2 of Act 57 of the Extra Session of 1877, entitled: "An act authorizing the governor to appoint additional police jurors in country parishes; directing police juries to redistrict their respective parishes into police jury wards, and these wards into one or more justice of the peace wards, and fixing the number of members, time and manner of their election, the mode of filling vacancies in the police jury, and vacancies which may hereafter occur; fixing the compensation of police jurors; providing forfeitures for their neglect of duty, and the mode of enforcing the same; repealing Act No. 97, approved April twenty-seven, 1871; entitled 'An act reorganizing the police juries of the state, prescribing the number thereof, and the mode of election, and fixing their duties and compensation'."
Approved September 11, 1935.