page 24
Approved, January 28, 1817.
page 50
AN ACT to accord certain privileges to the town of St. Martinsville
Approved, January 30th, 1817.
page 68
Approved, February 7th, 1817
page 84
AN ACT to grant certain privileges to the town of St. Francisville.
Approved, February 8, 1817.
page 100
AN ACT to incorporate a congregation of the Roman Catholic Church in the parish of Ascension.
Approved, February 18th, 1817.
page 110
Approved, February 18th, 1817.
page 116
AN ACT to provide for a census of the electors in the state of Louisiana.
Approved, February 18th, 1817.
page 126
Approved, February 20th, 1817.
page 148
AN ACT supplementary to the several acts relative to criminal prosecutions, and for other purposes.
Approved, February 20th, 1817.
page 170
AN ACT supplementary to the several acts relative to the revenue of this state.
Approved, February 22d, 1817.
page 180
AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled “ An act for the punishment of crimes and misdemeanors.”
Approved, February 22d, 1817.