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ACT NO. 14. Charter of City of Bogalusa, Louisiana. AN ACT To incorporate the City of Bogalusa, in the Fourth Ward of the Parish of Washington; to provide for the Government and administration of the affairs thereof by a Commission Council, the first members of which shall be appointed by the Governor; to provide for the election and recall of the members of said Council; to constitute the territory of said City a School District; to limit the power of the Police Jury of Washington Parish; to levy Parish taxes and licenses therein; to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, wine or beer within the limits of said City; to provide for the establishment of the City Court of Bogalusa, defining its juris- diction and the right of appeal therefrom ; to provide for the election of a Judge and Constable for said Court in Ward 4 of the Parish of Washington, and the abolition of the justices of the peace and constables now in said ward; to provide for the appointment of a Clerk of said City Court, and defining his powers and duties; and to provide for the compensation of said Judge, Constable and Clerk; to authorize said City to borrow money for its support until taxes for the year 1915 are collected; to abolish the Village of Richardstown, in said parish; and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act.
Approved June 11, 1914.
page 81
ACT NO. 26. AN ACT To carry into effect Article 320 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1913 recognizing the office of Fire Marshal of the State of Louisiana and to provide the manner of appointing said Fire Marshal and to define his duties, powers and authority and to provide for a tax to be levied on Fire Insurance Companies for the expense of maintaining the office of Fire Marshal of the State of Louisiana, to provide for the punishment of violations of the provisions of this act and to fix the penalties for such violations, and to put into force the provisions of said Article 320 of the Constitution, and also the provisions of this act.
Approved : June 18, 1914.
page 151
ACT NO 60. AN ACT To further carry into effect Articles 296 and 297 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana in relation to public health and to provide the method, manner and means of defraying the expense of collecting vital statistics; allowing certain charges to be made in relation thereto; fixing the duties of certain officers and of boards of health in relation thereto; allowing certificates of registrars of vital statistics to be received in evidence; fixing a penalty for the violation of this act.
Approved : July 2nd, 1914.
page 272
ACT NO. 156. AN ACT. To create a Justice of the Peace Ward in the Parish of Caddo; to define its boundaries, and provide for a Justice of the Peace and Constable for said ward, and define their powers and duties.
Approved : July 9th, 1914.
page 410
ACT NO. 214. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Article No. 1131 of the Revised Code of Practice of Louisiana.
Approved : July 9, 1914.
page 459
ACT NO. 229. AN ACT To create an additional Justice of the Peace and Constable in and for Ward Two of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, and providing for their appointment until the general State election in 1916, and their election thereafter, and conferring such juris- diction, powers, duties, and emoluments as accorded Justices of the Peace and Constables by existing laws.
Approved: July 9th, 1914.
page 610
ACT NO. 298 AN ACT To amend and reenact Sections 4 and 7 of Act No. 191 of the Session of the General Assembly of 1910 entitled “An Act abolishing the offices of Justices of the Peace and Constables in the Third Ward of the Parish of Lafayette, and creating in their stead the City Court of the city of Lafayette consisting of Judge and Marshal and defining their qualifications and term of office, providing for their salaries and fees, place of office and method of executing process, due notice in accordance with Article 50 of the Constitution, having been given by publication for thirty days of the intention to apply for the passage of this Act.”
page 611
ACT NO. 300. AN ACT To re-enact and amend Act 157 of 1912, entitled “An Act to further regulate the pleadings and practice in civil causes other than appeals from Justice of the Peace Courts in the District Court of this State.
page 630
ACT NO. 304. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section One of Act Number Eighty-one (81) of 1892, approved July 6, 1892, entitled: “An Act creating an additional Justice of the Peace and Constable in the Tenth (10) Ward of the Parish of Ascension, and de- fining the jurisdiction and the emoluments thereof; ” due notice of intention to apply for this act having been given as required by Article 50 of the Constitution.