page 40
No. 52. AN ACT To incorporate the town of Vernon, in the Parish of Jackson.
Approved March 14th, 1859
page 46
No. 57. AN ACT To regulate drinking houses in Keachie, DeSoto Parish Louisiana.
Approved March 14th, 1859
page 47
No. 59. AN ACT To incorporate the town of Breaux Ridge in the parish of St. Martin.
Approved March 14th, 1859
page 64
No. 83. AN ACT To incorporate the town of Waterproof, in the Parish of Tensas, Louisiana.
Approved March 14th, 1859
page 70
Approved March 15th, 1859
page 74
No. 93. AN ACT Relative to Justices of the Peace and Constables in the parish of Vermillion.
Approved March 15th, 1859
page 82
No. 105. AN ACT To divide the Fifth Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany.
Approved March 15th, 1859
page 107
No. 138. AN ACT Relative to the Roman Catholic Congregation of the parish of St. Charles.
Approved March 16th, 1859
page 168
Approved, March 17th, 1859
page 175
No. 224. AN ACT To incorporate the town of Creola, in the parish of Winn
Approved March 17th, 1859.
page 194
No. 248. AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Ouachita Female Academy."
Approved March 17th, 1859.
page 215
Approved March 17th, 1859