page 84
ACT No. 47. AN ACT To carry into effect Section 37 of Article VII of the Constitution of 1921, by providing the method of procedure in District Courts in those cases in which said courts have concurrent jurisdiction with Justice of the Peace Courts; by providing who may render judgment in such cases; by conferring other powers upon certain officers in order to make such procedure effective; and by repealing all laws or part of laws in conflict herewith.
Approved : July 13, 1922.
page 180
Act No. 97. AN ACT To provide for calling, holding, conducting and regulating primary elections by political parties, and to define the term political party; to provide for defraying expense of said primary elections; and to prescribe what violation of the provisions of this act shall be offenses and to provide penalties for same; and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
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ACT No. 112. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Section 45, of Act 14, of the General Assembly of 1914, entitled “An Act to incorporate the City of Bogalusa, in the Fourth Ward of the Parish of Washington; to provide for the government and administration of the affairs thereof by a commission Council, the first members of which shall be appointed by the Governor; to provide for the election and recall of the members of said Council; to constitute the territory of said City a school district; to limit the power of the Police Jury of Washington Parish; to levy, Parish taxes, and licenses therein; to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, wine or beer within the limits of the said City; to provide for the establishment of the City Court of Bogalusa; defining its jurisdiction, and the right of appeal therefrom ; to provide for the election of a judge and constable for said court in Ward 4 of the Parish of Washington, and the abolition of the Justice of the Peace and Constable in said Ward; to provide for the appointment of a clerk for said City Court, and defining his powers and duties; and to provide for the compensation of said judge, constable and clerk; to authorize said city to borrow money for its support until taxes for the year 1915 are collected; to abolish the village of Richardsontown in said Parish; and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act.”