page 907
ACT No. 35 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2201(B) (15) and (16), relative to financial security for surviving spouses and children of law enforcement officers; to include constables of justice of the peace courts and their deputies as law enforcement officers for purposes of benefit payments to survivors; to include investigators of the Elections Compliance Unit of the Louisiana Department of State as law enforcement officers for purposes of benefit payments to survivors; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, June 16, 2005.
page 932
ACT No. 43 AN ACT To amend and reenact Code of Civil Procedure Articles 4911(A) and 4912 (A) (1) and (B), relative to jurisdiction of justice of the peace courts; to increase the jurisdictional amount in dispute in civil matters; to increase the jurisdictional amount in dispute in possession or ownership of movable property; to increase the jurisdictional amount in dispute in eviction proceedings of occupants or tenants of leased commercial premises and leased farmlands; and to provide for related matters.
page 1099
ACT No. 96 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2591(A) and R.S. 15:254.1(A) and (B) (1), 254.2, 254.3, 254.4, 254.5(D), 254.6(A), 254.7, 254.8(A), and 255(A) (1) and (4), (E) (1), (4), and (5), and (G) and to enact R.S. 15:255(K), relative to witness fees paid to off-duty law enforcement officers and relative to extra compensation for certain law enforcement officers and firemen; to require local governing authorities to transmit witness fees to the employer of certain law enforcement officers; to require the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to remit the extra compensation paid by the state to the local governing authorities for payment to individual eligible employees; to require local governing authorities to be responsible for calculating and withholding certain deductions for taxes on behalf of the employee; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, June 21, 2005.
page 1382
ACT No. 168 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2606, relative to justice of the peace courts in West Carroll Parish; to provide for the territorial jurisdiction of the justice of the peace districts; to provide for election of justices of the peace from the new districts; to provide for the territorial jurisdiction of the justice of the peace courts if the police jury district lines are changed; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, June 28, 2005.
page 2312
ACT No. 489 AN ACT To enact Code of Civil Procedure Article 4921.1, relative to justice of the peace courts; to provide for the prosecution or defense of actions; to provide for scheduling matters for trial; to provide for abandonment; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, July 12, 2005.
Extra Session
page 2584
ACT No. 52 AN ACT To enact Title XXXIII of the Code of Criminal Procedure, to be comprised of Code of Criminal Procedure Articles 941 through 956, relative to criminal procedure; to provide for emergency sessions of criminal court; to provide for definitions; to provide for applicability; to provide for criminal jurisdiction and venue in emergency sessions of court; to provide for venue for habeas corpus proceedings in certain circumstances; to provide for criteria for emergency sessions of court; to provide for the power and authority of the court conducting emergency sessions; to provide for legislative findings; to provide for powers, duties, and authority of the sheriff operating in emergency sessions of court; to provide for the powers, duties, and authority of the clerk of court of an affected court conducting emergency sessions; to provide for the authority of the district attorney and the indigent defender board of the affected court conducting emergency sessions of court; to provide with respect to the summoning of a criminal jury pool; to provide for the suspension of certain time periods, limitations, and delays in the affected court; to provide for exceptions; to provide for appeals and the application of supervisory writs from a judgment or ruling of an affected court conducting emergency sessions of court; to provide for preemption of conflicting provisions of law; to provide for the court costs, fees, and fines assessed or taxed and collected by the affected court conducting emergency sessions of court; and to provide for related matters.
Approved by the Governor, December 6, 2005