page 11
Approved, January 30th, 1944.
page 12
No. 12.-AN ACT relative to Justices of the Peace in the parish of Sabine.
Approved, January 30th, 1844
page 45
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 52
No. 84.-AN ACT to fix the manner of holding Elections in the Parish of Pointe Coupee.
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 77
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 85
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 92
No. 141.-AN ACT to create an additional police Jury Ward in and for the Parish of Rapides.
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 93
Approved, March 25th, 1844
page 103
Approved, March 25th, 1844