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Louisiana's Justice of the Peace: Civil Code of the State of Louisiana 1825

Laws and History

Civil Code of the State of Louisiana 1825

Civil code of the state of Louisiana via Hathi Trust

page 32

Book I: Of Persons: Title IV Of Husband and Wife

ART. 103.-No marriage can be celebrated without the special licence of the parish judge, directed to the priest, minister or justice of the peace, who is to celebrate it.

page 328

Book III: Of the Different Modes of Acquiring the Property of Things: Title I Of Successions

ART. 1027. The heir, who wishes to enjoy the benefit of inventory and the term for deliberating, is bound, as soon as he knows of the death of the deceased to whose succession he is called, and before committing any act of heirship, to cause the seals to be affixed on the effects of the succession, by any judge or justice of the peace.

page 344

ART. 1070. The seals, after the decease, must be affixed by a judge or justice of the peace within the limits of his jurisdiction, and may be affixed by him either ex officio, or at the request of the parties.

page 346

ART. 1077. The judge or justice of the peace, who affixes the seals, ought to shut up in the apartments, the doors and windows of which he must seal, all the moveables and effects which can be removed, and shall only leave out those for which the family of the deceased, if he has left any, had an absolute need for their use, of which he shall make a list at the end of his proces-verbal of the affixing of the seals.

ART. 1079. The judge or justice of the peace, who affixes the seals, shall appoint a guardian at the expense of the succession, to take care of the seals and of the effects of which an account is taken at the end of the proces-verbal of the affixing of the seals; the guardian must be a person domiciliated in the place where the inventory is taken. The judge, when he retires, must take with him the keys of all the things and apartments upon which the seals have been affixed.

ART. 1080. If it be a justice of the peace who has affixed the seals, he must give immediate information of it to the judge of the place, and deliver to him the proces-verbal of the affixing of the seals, together with the keys of the things and apartments upon which he has affixed the seals.

Page 854

Book III: Of the Different Modes of Acquiring the Property of Things: Title IX Of Letting and Hiring

ART. 2683. When the lessor has given notice to the lessee, in the manner directed by the law, to quit the property, and the lessee persists in remaining on it, the lessor may have him summoned before a justice of the peace, and condemned to depart; and if three days after notice of the judgment, he has not obeyed, the justice of the peace may order that he shall be expelled, and that the property shall be cleared by the constable, at his expense.

page 968

Book III: Of the Different Modes of Acquiring the Property of Things: Title XIX Of Arbitration

ART. 3078. Before examining the difference to them submitted, the arbitrators ought to take an oath before a judge, or justice of the peace, to render their award with integrity and impartiality in the cause which is laid before them.