page 28
No. 18. AN ACT to amend the act entitled, "an act to repeal the act to grant to Hypolite Guidry the exclusive privilege to establish and keep a Ferry on the Mermentau river, in the Parish of St. Landry, for a determinate number of years; and to grant the said privilege to John Mouton jr. under the conditions therein mentioned," approved on the third of February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six.
Approved, January 23d, 1829.
page 60
No. 29.
AN ACT to provide for the future appointment of Brigadier Generals, and for the publication, in pamphlet form, of the Militia Laws of the State, and for other purposes.
Approved, February 7th, 1829.
page 168
No. 55.
AN ACT to provide for the distribution of the new Digest of the Laws of tins State, and for other purposes.
Approved February 7th, 1829