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Louisiana's Justice of the Peace: 2004

Laws and History


page 1846

ACT No. 526 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 18:18(A)(7), 59.2(A) and (C), 171(A), (C)(2) and (3) and (D), 193(G)(1), 196(C)(3), 424(E), 425(E), 431(A)(5) and (B)(4), 435(C), 443.1(B), 463(C), 464(A), 513(C), 532(B) (4) (a) (iii) and (c), 532.1(B) (2) (a) and (3), (C) (3), (D), and (G) (1), 566(B) (1), 574(A) (2) and (3), 581(1), 602(G), 1259(B) (5), 1280.22(A), 1307(A)(2), (B)(1) and (2), (C), and (E), 1313(H), 1354(C), 1400.1(A), (B)(2), and (C)(1), 1400.2(A), (B)(2), and (C)(1), 1400.3(A), (B)(2), and (C)(1), 1400.4(A), (B)(2), and (C) (1), 1405, and 1903(A) and to enact R.S. 18:426(A) (4), 463(E), 513(D), 1309(E)(6), and 1435, relative to the Election Code; to make technical changes to the Election Code; to provide relative to population data used to determine employment in registrars' offices; to provide relative to the Department of State monitoring its databases relative to voters' felony convictions; to provide relative to procedure for the challenge and cancellation of registration of certain voters; to provide relative to confirmation of a voter's address; to provide relative to the time period for compensation of commissioners and commissioners-in-charge; to provide for certain persons under age eighteen to serve as alternate commissioners; to provide relative to the information contained in lists of persons qualified to serve as commissioners; to provide for a watcher to serve at multiple precincts; to make technical changes relative to the membership of certain state central committees; to provide relative to the information posted on the secretary of state's website; to provide relative to changes to the notice of candidacy after the close of qualifying; to provide for the manner of payment of qualifying fees; to provide for the certification of candidates elected to a reduced term due to a postponed election; to provide for the use of the word "merger" to describe whenever more than one precinct is combined into a single precinct with one geographical description; to provide for the requirements for merging precincts; to provide relative to the handling of provisional ballot envelopes; to provide relative to the counting and tabulation of provisional ballots; to provide relative to the compilation of election returns; to provide relative to vacancies in office; to provide for provisions of the election code to govern the time and manner of calling special elections as authorized by the constitution; to provide relative to requirements for applications to absentee vote by mail; to provide for voiding a ballot when a voter has received and voted on an incorrect ballot; to prohibit convicted felons from serving as deputy parish custodians of voting machines; to provide relative to election costs paid by the secretary of state and parish governing authorities; to provide for the time period for commencing an action objecting to candidacy or contesting an election; to provide relative to court determination of election results; and to provide for related matters.

Approved by the Governor, June 25, 2004.