page 4
ACT No. 2. AN ACT - To incorporate the City of Gretna; to prescribe the boundaries of said city; to provide a Commission form of Government for the administration of the affairs of said city and to provide for the appointment and the ejection of its officers, due notice of the intention to apply for same having been given in accordance with the Constitution of this State.
Approved : June 7th, 1916.
page 66
ACT NO. 35. AN ACT To provide for calling, holding, conducting and regulating Primary Elections; to provide that they shall be compulsory; that all nominations by any political party for candidates for the office of United States Senator, Member of the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States, all State, district and parochial officers, members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, and of City and Ward officers in all cities, towns and villages, shall be made by direct primary; to define the term “POLITICAL PARTY” under this act; to prescribe the qualifications of electors participating in and of candidates for nomination to be voted for at said primary election; to prescribe the number and manner of choosing commissioners who shall preside over and conduct said election; to fix the time and provide the manner of conducting said primary election; to provide for defraying the expense of said election; to fix the duties of officers to whom returns are to be made : to preserve party loyalty; to prescribe what are offenses against the provisions of this Act, and to provide penalties for the violation of said provisions, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict here with.
Approved : June 26, 1916.
page 107
ACT NO. 39. AN ACT To carry into effect Article 306 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana; to define the duties and powers of the Louisiana State Board of Agriculture and Immigration, and those of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration in relation to the suppressions and adulteration and fraud in the sale of commercial fertilizers in conformity there- with and defining commercial fertilizers; to provide for the inspection and analyses of all commercial fertilizers sold for use in Louisiana, and for the payment by the seller of the inspection fee therefor; to authorize the appointment of fertilizer inspectors, supervisors, clerical assistance, etc.; to provide for the guarantees of the component chemicals contained in fertilizers, and the affixing of tags to the packages thereof as evidence of the guarantee and inspection thereof; to prohibit the sale of illegal and fraudulent fertilizers, in violation of the provisions of this Act and affixing fines and penalties for the violation of the pro- visions of this Act; to provide for judicial proceedings in rem against fertilizers sold in contravention of this Act: to give to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration a privilege thereon and the right to the writ of provisional Control of the sale of fertilizer vested in Louisiana State Board of Agriculture and Immigration. Printed Statement to be attached to all packages of fertilizer showing contents, net weight, etc. Dealers in fertilizer required to file certified statement annually with Commissioner showing net weights, quality. etc., of fertilizer registered. seizure to conserve said privilege, and to define the methods of said procedure; to provide for suits for the recovery of fines and penalties and injunctions under this Act; to provide for the distribution and expenditures of the fees and penalties collected under the provisions of this Act, and their appropriations to fertilizer experiment purposes and providing for the complete enforcement of the provisions of this Act and the expenses incident thereto; and to repeal Act 126 of 1898 and Act 48 of 1902, in so far as they might operate in the future.
Approved : June 28, 1916.
page 216
ACT NO. 97. AN ACT. To amend and re-enact Act No. 214 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1914, entitled “An Act to amend and re-enact Article 1131 of the Revised Code of Practice of Louisiana.
Approved : July 5, 1916.
page 430
ACT NO. 191. AN ACT. To create an additional Justice of the Peace and Constable in and for the Ninth Justice of the Peace Ward of the Parish of Ascension, Louisiana; to provide for their appointment and the election of their successors; due public notice having been given hereof as required by Article 50 of the Constitution of Louisiana.
Approved : July 6, 1916.
page 505
ACT NO. 236. AN ACT To authorize and empower the Governor to fill all vacancies that may occur in the office of coroners, Justice of the Peace, Constable, Member of the Police Jury or Member of the School Board, Members of Board of Aldermen of municipalities having a population of less than five thousand. whether the same may be caused by death, resignation or otherwise, and to repeal all conflicting laws.