page 36
[No. 43.] An Act Relative to the collection of Taxes in the parish of Claiborne, and for other purposes.
Approved, March 3, 1837
page 42
[No. 52]. An Act To incorporate the subscribers to the Lake Borgne Navigation Company.
Approved, March 4, 1837
page 98
[No. 104.] An Act To repeal several sections of an Act approved 2nd April, 1835, entitled an Act supplementary to an Act entitled "an Act relative to the recovery of the amount of the bonds, obligations and recognizances due to the State in criminal cases, and the authenticity of act and instruments of writing executed by Justices of the Peace, and for other purposes, ap- proved March 13th, 1818," and for other purposes.
Approved, March 11th, 1937