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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1848


No. 65.]                  RESOLUTION.
Be it resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened: That leave of absence for sixty days is hereby granted to E. A. Canon, judge of the Second District Court of New Orleans, on account of ill health.

No. 101.]                    AN ACT
Relative to the District Courts of New Orleans.

No. 102.]                    AN ACT
To give jurisdiction to the District Courts of New Orleans, over causes arising under the act of third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, respecting landlords and tenants.

No. 105.]                    AN ACT
To  authorise [sic] the judges of the District Courts to hold adjourned and special terms of Court for the trial of civil as well as criminal causes.

1848 Act 65

1848 Act 101

1848 Act 102

1848 Act 105